OMG = Oh My God OMFG = Oh My Fucking God GL HF = Good Luck Have Fun GG = Good Game BG = Bad Game PP = Perfect Play BP = Bad Play LoL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots of Laugh LuH = Ler Ut Høyt ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing ROFLMAO = Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off 1337 = Leet/Elite SIF = As If FFS = For Fucking Sake n00b = Newbie g33k = Geek/Nerd Exp = Expansion/Experience WTF = What The Fuck STFU = Shut The Fuck Up RTFM = Read Teh Fucking Manual FU = Fuck You FOAD = Fuck Off And Die Iaf = I alle fall IMO = In My Opinion IMHO = In My Humble Opinion FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition w00t = What? BTW = By The Way OK = Okay BB = Bye Bye PLZ = Please k = 1000/tusen (ex. 2k = 2000) f.x = For example/for eksempel BBS = Be Back Soon BRB = Be Right Back AFK = Away From Keyboard/A Free Kill (CS) ASAP = As Soon As Possible PokéMon= Pocket Monster (popular Japanese, irritating, kiddy_game GTA = Grand Theft Auto (English for car_thefting/Very Popular FPS) CS = Counter-Strike (popular FPS) HL = Half-Life (popular FPS) WC = WarCraft (popular RPG) SC = StarCraft (Popular Strategy Game) FPS = First Person Shooter/Frames Per Second RPG = Role Play Game RTS = Real Time Strategy LIC = Like I Care pH00n = Fun Etc. = Et Cetera Liek = Like pwnd = Owned (Owned is when j00 r0xx0r 4 n00b) R0xx0R = Rocks H4xx0R = Hacker/Hack B0xx0R = Computer Suxx0r = Sucks Luxx0r = Lucky j00 = You d00d = Dude ASL = Age Sex Location (Sex means gender, j00 pH00kin perv) AOL = America OnLine SOL = Scandinavian OnLine MSN = MicroSoft Networks IRC = Internet Relay Chat ICQ = I Seek You PnP = Plug N Play P2P = Peer 2 Peer PHP = Pre HyperText Processor HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol FTP = File Transfer Protocol JS = JavaScript ASP = Active Server Pages CSS = Cascading Style Sheet WWW = World Wide Web URL = Universal Resource Locator AGP = Advanced Graphicks Port PCI = Periferical Components Interconnect MPEG = Moving Picture Experts Group MP3 = MPEG Layer 3 WAW = Wawe MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface AVI = Audio-Video Interleave SVCD = Super Video Compact Disc CD = Compact Disc DVD = Digital Versatile Disc/Digital Video Disc VHS = Video Home System VCR = Video Cassette Recorder MC = Music Cassette/MotorCycle LP = Long Playing record EP = Extended Playing record S&M = Sado Masochism BD = Bondage IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol POP(3) = Post Office Protocol CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor PSU = Power Supply Unit HDD = Hard Disc Drive FDD = Floppy Disc Drive CD-ROM = Compact Disc-Read Only Memory CD-R = Compact Disc-Record CD-RW = Compact Disc-ReWriteable IDE = Integrated Drive Electronics ATA = Advanced Technology Attachment S-ATA = Serial-Advanced Technology Attachment BIOS = Basic Input/Output System CPU = Central Processing Unit ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange BASH = Bourne Again Shell PERL = Practical Extraction and Report Language CGI = Computer Generated Images + Computer Graphics Interface CMD = Circuit Mode Data UNIX = UNiplex Information and Computing System Linux = Linus Torvalds Unix/Linux Is Not UniX GNU = GNU's Not Unix FreeBSD= Free Berkeley Software Distrubution USB = Universal Serial Bus 1394 = FireWire 404 = File Not Found/InterNet Error Code Opera = Norwegian Internet Browser. (Just as Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc) P.S = Plural Suffix(/Oops-we-forgot-to-say-this-too) PS = PlayStation SEGA = Service Games GC = GameCube NES = Nintendo Entertainment System SNES = Super Nintendo Entertainment System N64 = Nintendo 64 GB = GameBoy GBP = GameBoy Pocket GBC = GameBoy Color GBA = GameBoy Advanced PDA = Personal Digital Assistent PC = Personal Computer C64 = Commodore 64 COM = Component Object Model SCSI = Small Computer System Interface RPM = Rounds per Minute LPT = Line PrinTer MSDOS= Microsoft Disk Operating System QDOS = Quick and Dirty Operating System DOS = Disk Operating System OS = Operating System (f.x Macintosh, Windows, Linux...) MAC = Media Acces Control/Apple Macintosh TCP = Transmission Control Protocol IP = InterNet Protocol ISP = InterNet Service Provider ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line SDSL = Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line VDSL = Very High-Rate Digital Subscriber Line LAN = Local Area Network wLAN = Wireless Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network RAM = Random Access Memory ROM = Read Only Memory ID = Identification FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation CIA = Central Intelligence Agency NSA = National Security Agency NRA = National Rifle Association NWO = New World Order KKK = Ku Klux Klan NWA = Niggers With Attitude WCW = World Championship Wrestling WWF = World Wrestling Federation WWE = World Wrestling Entertainment KGB = Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security, The Russian NSA) PD = Police Department NY = New York LA = Los Angeles LV = Las Vegas SF = San Fransisco LC = Liberty City (GTA) VC = Vice City (GTA) SA = San Andreas (GTA)/Steinar Andersen SV = Svar/Sjur Vaage RE = Reply FWD = Forward RW = ReWind WC = Water Closet TP = Trivial Pursuit TPcable= TradePack/TwinPort-Cable GPS = Global Positioning System GPRS = General Packet Radio System/General Packet Radio Services WAP = Wireless Application Protocol GSM = Global System for Mobile communication FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions IR = InfraRed SUV = Sports Utility Vehicle ATV = All Terrain Vehicle 4WD = Four Wheel Drive AWD = All Wheel Drive AWP = Sniper Rifle used in CS Deagle = Desert Eagle (Hand Gun used CS) AK47 = Avtomat Kalishtov 47 (rifle used in CS) MSI = MicroStar International WD = Western Digital LCD = Liquid Crystal Display CRT = Cathode Ray Tube JOS = Jens of Sweden B = Byte KB = KiloByte MB = MegaByte GB = GigaByte TB = TeraByte b = Bit Hz = Hertz RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Discs GM = General Motors GMC = General Motors Company HiFi = High Fidelity SciFi = Science Fiction EDORAM = Extended Data Output Random Access Memory SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory DDRRAM = Double Data Rate Random Access Memory RDRAM = Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory SMS = Short Message System MMS = Multimedia Message System SOS = Save Our Souls DPI = Dots Per Inch DNA = DeoxyriboNucleic Acid/Den Norske Amerikalinje RNA = RiboNucleic Acid EDB = Elektronisk DataBehandling ØNH = Øre Nese Hals EKG/ECG= Electrocardiogram FAT = File Allocation Table NTFS = New Technology File System ISA = Industry Standard Architecture bus IT = Informasjonsteknologi IKT = Informasjon Kommunikasjon Teknologi IBM = International Business Machines JPEG = Joint Photographic Expterts Group GIF = Graphics Interchange Format BMP = Bitmap PNG = Portable Network Graphics TIFF = Tag Image File Format VB = Visual Basic PDF = Portable Document Format RA = Real Audio RV = Real Video WMA = Windows Media Audio WMv = Windows Media Video VGA = Video Graphics Array DMA = Direct Memory Access WinME = Windows Millenium Edition WinNT = Windows New Technology Win98SE= Windows 98 Second Edition Win2k = Windows 2000 WinXP = Windows Expansion(WinCP) NB! = NotaBene O.L = Og Lignende E.L = Eller Lignende O.A = Og Andre Mvh. = Med Venlig Hilsen ELNS = Eller Noe Sånt Evt. = Eventuelt Moh. = Meter Over Havet Muh. = Meter Under Havet VGS = Videregående Skole US = Ungdomsskole BS = Barneskole EØS = Europeisk Økonomisk Samarbeid EU = Europeisk Union EF = Europeisk Forbund FN = Forente Nasjoner UN = United Nations USA = United States of America USSR = United States of Soviet Republic DDR = Dance Dance Revolution/Deutche Democratic Republic TV = Television FM = F M AM = A M LW = Low Wave MW = Medium Wave HW = High Wawe/HardWare BSB = BackStreet Boys WASP = We Are Satans People Co = Company Ltd = Limited AS = Aksjeselskap MF = Motorferje MS = Motorseiler/Multiple Sclerosis/Miss DSS = Dampskibsselskapet HMSS = Her Majesty's Secret Service CT = Counter-Terrorist T = Terrorist SWAT = Special Weapons And Tactics/Swedish Walk About Theatre CP = Cerebral Parece DB = Data Base Sol. = Solitaire Exe = Executable Zip = Zigzag In-Line Package/Zone Improvement Plan 3COM = 3 Computer, Communications and Compability NFL = National Football League NBA = National Basket Association WNBA = Womens National Basket Association NSL = National Soccer League NHL = National Hockey League PGA = Professional Golf Association PL = Premier League CL = Champions League UEFA = United European Football Association FA = Football Association FIFA = Fédération Internationale de Football Association 286 = 80286 (microprocessor) 386 = 80386 (microprocessor) 486 = 80486 (microprocessor) Amp = Amplifier IE = Internet Explorer/In Example osv = Og Så Videre t.o.m. = Til Og Med f.o.m. = Fra Og Med VW = VolksWagen HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome sr = Senior jr = junior frk = frøken hr = herr mrs = Mississ mr = Mister ESP = Extra Sensory Perception UFO = Unidentified Flying Object BBC = British Broadcasting Channel NRK = Norsk RiksKringkasting NBC = National Broadcasting Channel CNN = Central News Network ABC = Australian Broadcasting Company/Alfa Beta Charlie BMX = Bicycle Motorcross SMX = Super Motard RMX = Racing Motard DMX = Digital Multiplex W = Watt v = Volt A = Ampere Lx = Lux " = Inches/Tommer ' = Feet/Fot m = Meter l = Liter g = gram milli = Milliondel centi = Hundredel desi = Tidel deka = Ti hekto = Hundre kilo = Tusen Tonn = Million Esc = Escape Ctrl = Control Alt = Alternative Alt Gr = Alternative Graphics Tab = Tabulator Caps = Caps Lock/Capitals Lock Num = Num Lock/Number Lock Scroll = Scroll Lock Prt Scr= Print Screen Sys Rq = System Requirements Ins = Insert Del = Delete Pg Up = Page Up Pg Dn = Page Down | = Pipe § = Paragraph ! = Utropstegn " = Gåseøyne/Hermetegn/Anførselstegn @ = Att/Alfakrøll/Krøllalfa # = Firkant/Nummer £ = Pundtegn ¤ = Sol $ = Dollartegn % = Percent/Prosent & = And/Og / = Slash { = PHParentes ( = Parentes [ = Klammeparentes ) = Parentes slutt ] = Klammeparentes slutt } = PHParentes slutt = = Er lik ? = Question Mark/Spørsmålstegn + = Plus/Pluss \ = Backslash ^ = Kinahatt ¨ = Tødler ~ = Tilde * = Asterisk ' = Apostrof - = Minus/Bindestrek _ = Underscore/Understrek . = Period/Punktum : = Colon/Kolon , = Comma/Komma ; = Semi-Colon/Semi-Kolon µ = Nano € = Euro < = Spissparentes (Brukes i koding) > = Spissparentes slutt (Brukes i koding) A = ALFA B = BRAVO C = CHARLIE D = DELTA E = ECHO F = FoxTrot G = Golf H = Hotel I = India J = Juliet K = Kilo L = Lima M = Mike N = November O = Oscar P = Papa Q = Quebec R = Romeo S = Sierra T = Tango U = Uniform V = Victor W = Whisky X = X-Ray Y = Yankee Z = Zulu Æ = Ægir Ø = Ødis Å = Åse A = .- B = -... C = -.-. D = -.. E = . F = ..-. G = --. H = .... I = .. J = .--- K = -.- L = .-.. M = -- N = -. O = --- P = .--. Q = --.- R = .-. S = ... T = - U = ..- V = ...- W = .-- X = -..- Y = -.-- Z = --.- 1 = .---- 2 = ..--- 3 = ...-- 4 = ....- 5 = ..... 6 = -.... 7 = --... 8 = ---.. 9 = ----. 0 = ----- ? = ..--.. / = -..-. = = -...- 001 - H - Hydrogen 002 - He - Helium 003 - Li - Lithium 004 - Be - Berylium 005 - Bo - Bor 006 - C - Karbon 007 - N - Nitrogen 008 - O - Oksygen 009 - F - Fluor 010 - Ne - Neon 011 - Na - Natrium 012 - Mg - Magnesium 013 - Al - Aluminium 014 - Si - Silisium 015 - P - Fosfor 016 - S - Svovel 017 - Cl - Klor 018 - Ar - Argon 019 - K - Kalium 020 - Ca - Kalsium 021 - Sc - Scandium 022 - Ti - Titan 023 - V - Vanadium 024 - Cr - Krom 025 - Mn - Mangan 026 - Fe - Jern 027 - Co - Kobolt 028 - Ni - Nikkel 029 - Cu - Kobber 030 - Zn - Sink 031 - Ga - Galium 032 - Ge - Germanium 033 - As - Arsen 034 - Se - Selen 035 - Br - Brom 036 - Kr - Krypton 037 - Rb - Rubidium 038 - Sr - Strontium 039 - Y - Yttrium 040 - Zr - Zirkonium 041 - Nb - Niob 042 - Mo - Molybden 043 - Tc - Technetium 044 - Ru - Ruthenium 045 - Rh - Rhodium 046 - Pd - Palladium 047 - Ag - Sølv 048 - Cd - Kadmium 049 - In - Indium 050 - Sn - Tinn 051 - Sb - Antimon 052 - Te - Tellur 053 - I - Jod 054 - Xe - Xenon 055 - Cs - Celsium 056 - Ba - Barium 057 - La - Lantan 058 - Ce - Cerium 059 - Pr - Praseodym 060 - Nd - Neodym 061 - Pm - Promethium 062 - Sm - Samarium 063 - Eu - Europium 064 - Gd - Gadolinium 065 - Tb - Terbium 066 - Dy - Dysprosium 067 - Ho - Holmium 068 - Er - Erbium 069 - Tm - Thulium 070 - Yb - Ytterbium 071 - Lu - Lutetium 072 - Hf - Hafnium 073 - Ta - Tantal 074 - W - Wolfram 075 - Re - Rhenium 076 - Os - Osmium 077 - Ir - Iridium 078 - Pt - Platina 079 - Au - Gull 080 - Hg - Kvikksølv 081 - Tl - Thalium 082 - Pb - Bly 083 - Bi - Vismut 084 - Po - Polonium 085 - At - Astat 086 - Rn - Radon 087 - Fr - Francium 088 - Ra - Radium 089 - Ac - Actinium 090 - Th - Thorium 091 - Pa - Protactinium 092 - U - Uran 093 - Np - Neptunium 094 - Pu - Plutonium 095 - Am - Americium 096 - Cm - Curium 097 - Bk - Berkelium 098 - Cf - Californium 099 - Es - Einsteinium 100 - Fm - Fermium 101 - Md - Mendelevium 102 - No - Nobelium 103 - Lr - Lawrencium 104 - Rf - Rutherfordium 105 - Ha - Hahnium 106 - Sg - Seaborgium 107 - Ns - Nielsbohrium 108 - Hs - Hassium 109 - Mt - Meitnerium 110 - Uun - Ununnilium 111 - Uuu - Unununium 112 - Uub - Ununbiium H2O = Vann/Aqua CO2 = Karbondioksyd/Kullsyre CO = Karbonmonoksyd N2O = Nitrogendioksyd NO = Nitrogenmonoksyd NaCl = Salt/Koksalt thnx = Takk NP = No Problem/Nemi Problemi/Nemo Problemo WB = Welcome Back SOB = Son Of a Bitch VG = Verdens Gang ST = Sør-Trøndelag/Sommerfjøsekra Tidende DN = Dagens Næringsliv AA = Anonyme Alkoholikere NN = Anonym NUSSE = Norsk Universell Siffermaskin Selvstyrt Elektronisk EMMA = Elektronisk Matematikk-regnemaskin APLF = Allmennpraktiserende Legers Forening Dr = Doktor FMST = Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag FMSHA = Fylkesmannens Sosial og Helse-Avdeling FL = Fylkeslege TKL = Total Kvalitets Ledelse YAHOO = Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle Y2K = Year 2000 Y/N = Yes/No YTD = Year To Date BC = Before Christ AD = After Death WTC = Wu-Tang Clan/World Trade Center RH = Ringenes Herre LOTR = Lord Of The Rings FOTR = Fellowship Of The Rings TTT = The Two Towers ROTK = Return Of The King JRRT = John Ronald Reuel Tolkien